Why decide to choose Heron Miller & Associates ?

Heron Miller & Associates is ready to provide consulting services to anticipate legal issues that arise. Problems can come to anyone and anywhere that is sometimes difficult to prevent due to time constraints or limited legal knowledge. In addition, our law firm is ready to help to provide a way out for any of your legal problems that may be difficult to solve due to various reasons beyond your expectations and abilities, so we need professional, experienced, reliable, solid, responsive and responsible advocacy services for problem solving your law, so that you can anticipate and prevent problems and conflicts in the future.

If you are faced with the problems above, then we are the answer. We can be your trusted partner to help understand and resolve your legal problem. Our law firm is strengthened by a team of advocates who are professional, experienced, solid, responsive and responsible for your problems and matters.



“I respect your choice, even though I have my choice. It doesn’t matter what your choices are or what my choices are, what’s important is that the choice doesn’t make you have to choose between me and you.”


~Erwin B. Haris~

Adv. ERWIN B. HARIS, S.H., C.L.A., C.I.L.
Managing Partner

Graduated from Faculty of Law, Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, Bandung, Indonesia. He is one of the founders who established Heron Miller & Associates in 2006 and a Managing Partner of the firm.



Adv. Hendra Gunawan, S.H.
Partner in Finance

Graduated from Faculty of Law, Universitas Pasundan, Bandung, Indonesia. He is one of the founders who established Heron Miller & Associates in 2006 and a Partner in Finance of the firm.



Iwa Kustiwa, S.H.
Senior Advisor

Graduated from Faculty of Law, Universitas Padjajaran, Bandung, Indonesia.




Senior Associate


Junior Associate



Associate Office in Lubuk Linggau
